Welcome to the Home of the World Hip Trauma Evaluation (WHiTE) Platform

The WHiTE Platform is a framework to run clinical trials investigating fragility hip-fractures in those aged 60 and over.

The platform is designed to efficiently deliver multiple randomised comparisons of interventions for patients aged 60 years and over with a hip fracture. It is based upon experience derived from the planning and delivery of a related group of randomised trials of interventions for hip fracture. The purpose of the platform is to simplify the patient pathway through research in this field and capture efficiencies in the reduction of documents and clinical reporting forms duplication. Furthermore, the proposed platform is more coherent with a single set of ethical and regulatory approvals and an explicit legal basis and processing purpose for the use of patient-level data.

Short Title

IRAS Project ID

EudraCT Number

WHiTE Platform



An illustration of flow through the platform with four hypothetical randomised comparisons (A-D)